Thank you for your tribute gift to the Dr. Bradley Strauss Innovation Fund. Your support will secure his legacy for generations to come and help ensure the continued growth of his three priority projects:

• Electrophysiology Suites
• The Medventions Innovation Program
• Israeli Fellowship Program

You can pledge your gift today, and the first payment will be charged to your credit card.

If you have further questions or would prefer to donate by cheque or a gift of securities, please contact: Nicole Maj at Nicole.Maj@sunnybrook.ca and a member of our Advancement Team will contact you.

Pledge Amount
$ 75,000.00
$ 50,000.00
$ 25,000.00
$ 5,000.00
Additional Information
Type of gift: Pledge (instalments)
Donor Information
Payment Information
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If you have further questions or would prefer to donate by cheque or a gift of securities, please contact us at 416-480-4483 or foundation@sunnybrook.ca.

Product Name Product Category Event Name
Dr. Strauss Event Donations Dr. Strauss Event