Yes, I want to support ALS Patient Support and Research

With your support to the Freda Memorial Fund, we can advance a world's first ALS research initiative.


At Sunnybrook, a dedicated team of researchers led by Dr. Lorne Zinman is determined to accelerate ALS research to discover novel ways to deliver the most effective treatments. Sunnybrook houses the largest ALS clinic in Canada and tragically, because of the rapidly degenerative nature of ALS, as many as 3-4 of their patients die each week. ALS carries a one in 1,000 lifetime risk and there remains no cure.


Achieving therapeutic success in ALS requires better access to the central nervous system where ALS begins and propagates. Sunnybrook researchers have completed a world's first study where they used MRI-guided focused ultrasound to safely and temporarily open the blood brain barrier over the motor cortex in ALS patients. This technology opens a portal within the brain where ALS begins and the next step is to deliver the most promising ALS therapeutics precisely where they’re needed. Sunnybrook is the only centre in the world uniquely positioned to perform these studies and additional support is needed for the pending therapeutic delivery stages.


Your gift to the Freda Memorial Fund will provide support to patients living with ALS and help invent the future of ALS care. Thank you for your support.

Donation Amount
$ 18.00
$ 36.00
$ 54.00
$ 118.00
$ 360.00
$ 540.00
Additional Information
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Donor Information
Tribute Information
in memory of
Dr. Alvin Zipursky

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact us at 416-480-4483 or

Product Name Product Category Event Name
Freda Fund Donations Freda Fund