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By making a gift now, you will raise a flag this Remembrance Day, in honour of the Veterans who call Sunnybrook home. Our goal is to plant 30,000 flags and it will make their day.

Your donation will directly support upgrades to gym and library facilities at the Sunnybrook Veterans Centre along with providing the very best cognitive, physical, mental health, and stroke care to our Veterans.

Please support Operation Raise A Flag today. Donate now.

Select the amount you’d like to give:
I’d like to make a:
$ 15.00
$ 25.00
$ 30.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 200.00
$ 500.00
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Free Gift – with a donation of $500 or more you’ll receive a free copy of The Last Salute – a deeply moving tribute that captures the stories of 40 Centenarian Veterans, their courage, sacrifice, war experience and moments of love and humour.

Product NameProduct CategoryEvent Name
One-Time-Gift Donations One-Time-Gift