Support Seniors Health

With people living longer, the need for comprehensive and coordinated seniors' care is more urgent than ever before. Sunnybrook’s patient-centred model of care keeps seniors healthy and in their communities.  

Sunnybrook’s Cipriano Centre for Seniors Health, now under construction, will enable the expansion of geriatric medicine in a custom-built space designed specifically for the needs of seniors and their families.

Your support will allow every senior to receive the compassionate and personalized care they deserve.


Select the amount you’d like to give:
I’d like to make a:
$ 25.00
$ 35.00
$ 50.00
$ 75.00
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
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Donor Information
Product NameProduct CategoryEvent Name
One-Time-Gift Donations One-Time-Gift